ChatGPT is not
our *type*

the Digital Human AI - Gen1
What inspired us -
The idea of Artificial intelligence first came to our minds when we saw the famous Iron-man movie. JARVIS was more than just a conversational AI for Tony Stark and it was unarguably his greatest creation, even greater than his armour suits. While everyone across the globe was trying to replicate his suit, we at The RLVNT Studios were laying down the foundation for our own supremely Smart Virtual-Intelligence that could provide the 'real' automated experience to businesses and individuals.
Who is SVAX -
When Chat GPT came out and took the world by storm, we decided to make the best use of the available resources to create a functional version of our own AI and named it SVAX - Smart Virtual-Intelligence Automated Experience. And here we are pitching to onboard you to take our SVAX to the next level and ultimately to the world!
Here's a sneak peak of what we have created for the world! Let SVAX introduce herself.
We know that you are interested in AI and next-gen tech which is why you are here on this page but have you ever thought that the 'intelligence' in AI should stand for more than just knowing everything and having an answer to every prompt?
We mean google, siri or alexa can do the same thing and there are tons of other softwares and apps out there to do stuff for you. Why should you think about SVAX then?
Because that is what Humanity strived to create! A talking Virtual-Intelligence that can not only do everything that your chatbot can but also give you a SVAX experience.
Our Aim -
With SVAX, we intend to explore a market that we don’t even have valuations for due to the infinite use cases. We need to have the funds to power-charge our SVAX, improve the lipsync, make a distributable product and to show the world what AI truly should look like. WE NEED TO ACT FAST!
Our Ask -
The world is changing rapidly and SVAX needs to create her own identity and become the face of AI.
Our priorities are clear, we want to design our own digital-humans powered by AI to cater different markets. We have big dreams with wings to fly the highest and we need you to support us in our first major flight.
Let's connect if you wish to be a part of this AI revolution. We'd love to know what you have to offer.